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06.03.05 - 22:08

And so it is.

Just like you said it would be.

Life goes easy on me.


Of the time.

And so it is.

Feeling better than I have felt in a long time I am dancing.

Dancing in an empty apartment.

Dancing because I think I am on to something.

I had a long talk with my Nana last night, my Nana who is 83 and gets me like not very many people do.

�Bean� she said. �If you look at the downside, it�s not going to be very good.� �Right?�

�I guess,� I said

�Bean� she kept going �You have to make your life interesting for you, not for anyone else.�

�But� I added.

�Bean� she continued with a laugh �What was his name? I�m sorry, but with so many Grandchildren and their spouses I forget sometimes.�

�Mike� I said

�Bean, he doesn�t have any idea of what he lost,� she stated

�But you are my Nana, you have to say that.� I said

�Bean, I am also a person, I have my own opinions and thoughts about people, and you are nothing but amazing� she said

�But sometimes I am so scared� I said

�Of course you are dear, and be thankful for that, there is nothing worse in this life then feeling nothing, and I am not going to name names, but your Great Aunt Judy never did anything because she was so afraid of fear, and what a boring life she lived!� she said.

�Nana?� I asked

�Yes, dear� she said

�Do you know what you mean to me?� I asked

�Oh, honey, do YOU know what you mean to me?� She answered, �Bean, you are my link,� she added

�Your link?� I asked

�You know how you love to hear my stories from the past?� she asked

�Yes� I said (hiding the tears that were starting to stream)

�I am your link to a different time, but you are, just as importantly, my link to a time that is now� she said, and added �We are lucky to have each other dear, what we have is very special�

�Nan?� I asked, �Do you want anything from Germany? We have really good chocolate!�

�Oh, well, ok, but only one bar, I have to watch my weight!� she said

�Nan, you are 83, have a few bars of chocolate!� I said

�Hey, Bean, you know what I would love?� she asked

�What?� I said

�But not if it�s too much money!� she added

�Nana, I have tons of money, what do you want? Anything!� I said

�I would love a new Nutcracker,� she said

�You mean like those wooden things from the ballet?� �The Nussnacker?� I asked

�Yes!� She said �I had one years ago before Gramps died, and we put it out every Christmas, and for the life of me I can�t seem to find it, do you think you could find one?� she asked

�Yes, Nana, I will find one this week� I answered

�But I don�t want you spending too much money, I can send you a check� she said

�No, I know that they are really inexpensive here, I will get one for you� I said

�Ok, but you let me know if you need a check,� she said

�Ok� I said, wiping my tears.

�Is there anything you want from America, dear?� she asked

�No, Nan, I�ve got it now, thanks� I said.

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