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07.03.05 - 14:57

Expectations. They are high for me.

I admit, I expect a lot from people, probably too much, really.

I have found a way to combat the constant staring of the Germans. I glare back. Really, I give the best dirty look in the business. I am so tired of being stared at, that I have just decided to sneer. And it�s working. Anyone who gave me a look today received a look back that told him or her in no uncertain terms to knock it the fuck off.

No one was spared from my evil eye, not even children or the elderly. This city needs to learn its lesson; stop the fucking staring. I won all the impromptu games of chicken today. And it felt good.

Today I was up early and out to visit the new Jewish Museum of Berlin. Wow. Words can just not explain the beauty of this museum. Devoted to life of the Jews in Berlin dating from the Middle Ages to the present it was an extraordinary place. The architecture alone was just heart stopping. To anyone who visits, I say a visit to the Holocaust Tower will just send chills through you, and it isn�t what you would expect. It is not crammed with photos or exhibits, in fact, it is void of anything, but I dare anyone to enter that �tower� and not feel something running through them. Most people came out wiping their eyes (me included). I have been to many KL�s, or Concentration Camps, and countless Holocaust Memorials, but this was the first time a museum left me with the same feeling as Birkenau.

Although, I must add this:

When you are in a Museum please, please, please, please:


And if you have tiny children and are unable to explain that they need to be quiet and respectful, then please drug them or leave them at home, or, God forbid, yank their fucking arm and tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

And if you are a teacher of a middle school class, please threaten every one of your students with death if they decide to: Laugh out loud, run in a museum, or answer their fucking cell phones. And if they continue to be disruptive, ship their sorry ass back to school and fail them in your class.

And if you are a teacher of a High School, class please threaten every one of your students with death if they decide to: Laugh out loud, sit on the relief chairs and gossip, play silly hiding games with the opposite sex, or talk on their fucking cell phones. And if they continue to be disruptive, ship their sorry ass back to school and fail them in your class.

I was so annoyed. In fact these two young boys (maybe 12) were playing �tag� with each other just as I was leaving, and as the smaller of the two crashed right in to me I couldn�t help but grab him by the collar of his big blue parka and say �Knock it the fuck off or I will throw you off that Goddamn ledge� (we were 3 stories up) I am not sure if it was the Englisch that made him stare at me with quivering lip, or the tight hold on his jacket I had, or the look in my eye, or the actual words themselves, but the little fucker stopped roughhousing in the fucking museum.

And then I left and went about my business, my business of winning every game of �eye-chicken� with every fucking German on the street.


I am coming home.

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